Animal Daoyin

Health exercises based on imitating different animal movements, such as ‘WuQingXi’ (Five Animal Play), ‘LieQingXi’ (Six Animal Play), etc have been used in China for 2000 years.  
The unique quality of the Buqi Animal Daoyin, as created and taught by Dr Shen Hongxun, is based on the development and use of internal vibration force. Using the characteristic movements of different animals from crowing cocks to stretching dogs (a hunting tiger, the jumping deer, a monkey’s agile play, the bear’s heavy walk, the penguin march and the flying eagle) each helps us to use vibration force to correct mis-aligned joints and the vertebrae in the spine. The spine is fundamental to our health: it is the backbone that holds us together and upright, and it links all body parts and organs. The Buqi Animal Daoyin are especially designed to promote spinal health, which makes them a key to health and happiness. 

6 – 10 August, Gent, Belgium 

More information on Animal Daoyin and Daoyin Past and Present

Many of you have studied the Animal Daoyin, and thus you have experienced them as an excellent means of self-treatment. But just as important as self-healing is the value these exercises offer as treatment techniques for a variety of conditions, that buqi and other Health practitioners encounter in their practice. So now is the opportunity to find out and study more in-depth the actual treatment applications of the Animal Daoyin. In addition, this course offers the ever so important possibility to clean your own energy body, recharge yourself and have a great time. This course will be taught by Dr Shen Hongxun as an international seminar. The emphasis will be on Animal Daoyin as advanced exercise and treatment techniques, and Wuxi stance once every day. 
As this course coincides with the Olympic Games, there is no better reason than this to have our own festivities, which will take place the second evening, and which will be full of surprises.    

On the evening of the 8 August, which is not only the official beginning of the Olympics but also marks the birthday of Dr Shen, there will be a BBQ and Party in the setting of the Citadel Park, one of Gents most beautiful features.